How Can Buy-Sell Insurance Help Me Or My Business?
Buy-sell insurance is one of the best ways to assure the continuation of a business in the event of a partner’s death or disability. Many businesses obtain buy-sell insurance as a form of business protection or business insurance. As you know business insurance is an essential part of being in business just like having key man insurance is to protecting the key assets of the companies personnel. Excalibur Brokerage offers buy-sell business insurance that is generally accompanied by a buy-sell agreement that requires any surviving or capable partner(s) to purchase the remainder of the business in the event of a partner’s death or disability. The purchase is funded by the death or disability benefit of the buy-sell insurance policy. Buy/Sell is available not only for Life Insurance, but for Disability Insurance as well. Buy-sell insurance can bring you a lot of options as it can be used as several different types of actual insurance as in the examples stated previously. Buy-sell insurance is likely the answer if you have a business partner that is not well. You can never be to safe when it comes to the continuation of your business.
When is Buy-Sell Insurance The Best Option?
Excalibur Brokerage can help you ascertain if buy-sell insurance is right for you and your business and how to optimally customize an insurance plan that will offer you the kind of protection that you need. Prevent problems that could arise and damage your business. Depending on what type of buy-sell insurance you purchase will determine the benefit that you will receive. Put the right kind of protection in place with buy-sell insurance from Excalibur Brokerage. Isn’t it time you put your money to work for you? Buy-sell insurance is the answer that many business partners seek but often lack in a partnership agreement. At Excalibur Brokerage we have agents standing by to help you with your buy-sell insurance options. Seek help from our financial insurance experts at 800-652-9923
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